Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

The First-ever nationwide Model United Nations conference in Indonesia!

Once again I will explain about a conference which match to attend during a summer holiday in Indonesia. It’s Indonesia Model United Nations or IndonesiaMUN. IndonesiaMUN2011 is a simulation of UN General Assembly event that provide students to present their selected countries ijn the world and jointly seek solutions to address global problems. IndonesiaMUN is organized by students of the Faculty of Social and Politcal Sciences, University of Indonesia, with critical thinking skills and diplomacy to address global challange.

This year, the Faculty of Social and Political Science of University Indonesia is looking forward to create a bigger impact with bigger number of participants and commitees. IndonesiaMUN 2011 is the second nation-wide MUN conducted by Faculty of Social and Political Science in order to proliferate critical thinking in diplomatic manner. The theme Speak Up for The People and Be The Drive for A Change embodies teh commitment and the spirit to further excel efforts to achieve the Millenium Development Goals by 2015

IndonesiaMUN was first established to provide a room for students to practice their skills in diplomacy and negotiation, thus they can bring about change by learning beyond the classroom’s walls. Talking the theme Speak Up for The People and Be The Drive for A Change, this year’s IndonesiaMUN is bringing the conference to the next level. Exposing youth to the most pressing issues in international realm. This conference hope to stimulate young minds to take active participation. Acting as a representative of respective countries, they are demanded to be knowladgeable and actively involved. IndonesiaMUN is hping to become an avenue for student to express their ideas and negotiate in a competitive environment.

Participating Delegations

Universitas Indonesia

Binus University

Binus International

Gunadarma University

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Institut Teknolgi Bogor

Institut Teknologi Nasional

Sekolah Tinggi Akutansi Negara

President University

Universitas Dipenogoro

Universitas Gajah Mada

Universitas Trisakti

Universitas Negeri Medan

Universitas Parahyangan

Universitas Jambi

Universitas Hasanudin

Universitas Mulawarman

Universitas Udayana

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah